
How to Write a Good Topic Sentence? [Steps with Examples]

August 15, 20241320 views

This is very common in academic writing, sometimes on the identification of the main idea to be focused on by a paragraph. Most students find it hard to write specific and clear topic sentences that sometimes mislead the readers. Being an experienced writer, I have some useful tips for you to write good topic sentences. Just read on, and you can improve your writing capabilities for academic writing with the guidance of WPS AI.

What is a Topic Sentence?

What is a Topic Sentence

What gives the structure to every paragraph in an academic essay is a topic sentence. It introduces the main idea of the paragraph and thus facilitates the reader's movement through the essay. It is typically located at the beginning of the paragraph and really should specifically state the focus of the paragraph.


A topic sentence can be defined as a short and general summary statement of the main idea in a paragraph. It tells the reader what to expect from the paragraph and keeps the paragraph on track.


  • Clarity: It should be easy to understand.

  • Specificity: It focuses on one main idea.

  • Relevance: It supports the essay's main argument or thesis.


  • Guidance: It organizes the paragraph and guides the reader.

  • Focus: It keeps the paragraph on track.

  • Transition: This links the previous and next paragraphs.

Relationship to the Thesis Statement

Although the thesis statement provides the argument for the whole essay, topic sentences fractionate this argument into sub-points that are discussed in every particular paragraph. This, therefore, helps to ensure that each paragraph supports the overall thesis and a clear structure is maintained in the essay.

How to Write a Topic Sentence in 4 Steps [With Examples]

How to Write a Topic Sentence

A topic sentence can help be made much more effective with a clear process for how each paragraph will work together so that it is both organized and effective in your overall essay. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write a strong topic sentence, with examples and tips for success.

Step 1: Writing an Outline & Identification of the Main Idea

First, make an outline of what the sentence is going to say, and then draft the topic sentence. This helps you not to get sidetracked from your main idea or too wordy about it.

Use WPS AI write outline

Create an Outline Using WPS AI, you can come up with a comprehensive outline that will give your essay its structure. First, you have to craft a good thesis statement which sums up the purpose and argument of your essay. Next, look for some specific main idea which you will be discussing in each paragraph.

Example Outline:

  • Thesis Statement: "The rise of remote work changed a lot in terms of productivity, employee satisfaction, and work-life balance."

  • Paragraph Main Idea: "Through telecommuting, people have been able to increase productivity due to flexible working hours."

WPS AI Function: You can generate visual outlines of what you want to say with WPS AI and keep track of your thoughts. This tool can make sure that all of your ideas are clearly laid out.

Step 2: Write the Topic Sentence

With your outline in place, you can now draft your topic sentence. It needs to be specific, clear, and concise. The language should not be vague, and it must give clear direction to the paragraph.

Topic Sentences: Types

Simple Statement

  • Definition: A direct statement.

  • Example: "To this effect, remote work enhances productivity by letting people work where they are most productive."


  • Definition: A question that introduces what the paragraph is going to talk about.

  • Example: "How does remote work contribute to improved productivity?"


  • Definition: It indicates a contrast or difference.

  • Example: "Unlike traditional office settings, remote work offers unparalleled flexibility that boosts productivity."

Reason and Cause

  • Definition: It describes the reasons or causes.

  • Example: "The flexibility in remote work schedules directly leads to higher employee productivity."


  • Definition: It introduces a list of points.

  • Example: "Remote work boosts productivity through flexible hours, reduced commuting time, and individually customized workspaces."

WPS AI Function: You can use WPS AI to help you compose and refine topic sentences that are clear and focused on your main ideas.

Step 3: Collect Evidence

After you have composed your topic sentence, brainstorm the evidence, examples, or details you will use to flesh out your main idea. Be sure all supporting details are relevant and directly relate to the topic sentence.

For example, if your topic sentence is that remote work improves productivity, you could use:

Use WPS AI to get relevant data and examples

  • Statistics: "According to a 2023 study from Harvard Business Review, remote workers report an increase in productivity of 20%."

  • Research Studies: "A study by Stanford University showed that remote workers were 13% more productive than their peers working in the office."

  • Case Studies: "Companies like GitLab and Basecamp have reported significant boosts in productivity as a result of their remote work practices."

WPS AI Function: Using WPS AI, look for relevant data and examples and integrate them to add credibility and depth to the paragraph.

Step 4: Revise & Refine

Finally, refine and revise your topic sentence so that it states what the paragraph contains explicitly and enhances the overall coherence of your essay. Besides that, check clarity and add transitional words if need be to enhance flow.

WPS AI's grammar and style

Example Revision: Original: "Working from home makes me more productive." Revised: "Working from home significantly improves productivity because it provides flexible hours and does not involve any hour-long commutes." WPS AI Function:

Use WPS AI's grammar and style check to perfect your topic sentences so that they are correct and make sense. You can effectively write topic sentences using these steps and the help of WPS AI, which gives your writing clarity and power.

Using WPS to Perfect your Topic Sentence

WPS AI logo

The easiest and most effective way to write exact and relevant topic sentences is with WPS AI. Here to polish up your writing skills using advanced language capabilities, WPS AI makes sure that clarity and coherence echo through all the lines of your work. Here is how you can use WPS AI to get your topic sentences right:

Checking Grammar and Syntax

WPS AI Spell Check

WPS AI can assist you in verifying your topic sentences for grammatical, punctuation, and syntactic errors. Clear and error-free language enhances the overall readability of your essays and makes them more credible.

Rephrase Topic Sentence for Clarity

WPS AI will review your topic sentence and suggest rewrites so you can present your intended message more clearly. It can rephrase any awkward language or sections that are ambiguous by creating a revised and more readable version of the sentence.

Automatically Expand/Shorten Topic Sentence

Automatically Expand/Shorten Topic

WPS AI can either draw out or shorten your topic sentences so they fit perfectly with what your paragraph requires. This will be very useful, especially in instances where there is an obligation to meet a word count or you would need to compress your topic sentence to a degree.

Sharpen your topic sentences for grammatical correctness, clarity, and details with these advanced features of WPS AI at your beck and call. This way, your write-ups will be more readable, leading to improved quality essays altogether.


What is the difference between a thesis statement and a topic sentence?

The thesis statement tells what the whole paper is about. The topic sentence shows only what the paragraph it is attached to is about.

Where should the topic sentence be placed in a paragraph?

The topic sentence usually is at the very beginning because it immediately introduces the main idea of the paragraph. For stylistic reasons, however, it often occurs in the middle or end.

What should I avoid in a topic sentence?

Paragraphs should not contain vague, over-broad statements or confusing or complicated sentences. Be sure your topic sentence is not just a statement of fact but rather the introduction of an idea to be further developed in the paragraph.


An effective topic sentence is an important part of writing for clarity and conveys an argument to the writer. Just follow these simple steps, and with WPS AI, you shall be guaranteed to generate strong, specific, and engaging topic sentences in a way that maximizes essay quality overall. WPS AI Grammar check, rewriting suggestions, and adjustment of length ensure improvement in your writing efficiency and results.

AI enthusiast with 10 years in tech and writing. Follow me for the latest insights on AI trends and tools to boost your writing, workplace efficiency, and productivity!